ITF Union a TaeKwon-Do Body

ITF Union was Established on 11th April 2015 by a group of Masters and Grandmasters that wanted to remain committed to General Choi’s teachings, the ITF Union is a union made up from the Original International TaeKwonDo Federation founded by the late General Choi Hong Hi. set up to assist instructors and organisations with all their needs. It provides, black belt certification, world class seminars and courses as well as international, regional and World championships. ITF Taekwon-Do has been practiced around the world since 1955 and is now in more then 100 countries. Join our rapidly growing family now and experience the benefits first hand.

What is the Union?

It was created with the following goals:

1. Follow the teachings of General Choi from a technical and “moral culture” standpoint.

2. Maintain high technical standards and help promote a better understanding of General Choi’s Taekwon-Do by conducting high quality seminars and courses under the auspicious of World famous Masters and Grandmasters.

3. Organise regional and World championships that create a sense of brotherhood. We are one family!

4. Our vision is one of non interference in the national affairs of our members. We do however adhere to strict timeline in terms of Dan/Degree promotions.

The Executives

Every member of the ITF Union Executive has been promoted to 9th Degree Grandmaster by one of the Korean pioneers of ITF Taekwon-Do. This is a very important trait in our family. We are proud of our lineage and our history. Our Promotion Committee strictly adheres to following the timeline between ranks as laid out by General Choi.

A fresh start

Join our growing family now! If you have been struggling in you current Taekwon-Do group and you feel you need to give yoursself a fresh start with a NEW future, look no further.  Join the ITF UNION and become a driving force in one of the world’s most dynamic an innovative martial arts organisations.  Simply use our contacts page and register your interest.  You will be asked to forward the following information:

Proof of all grades up to current degree.  If you are a 5th Degree for example, we need 5 separate jpegs of your certificates as proof of rank.  The ITF UNION strictly follows the correct timeline for all rank promotion.

Hosting Events

ITF Union is about freedom. As an example, our members based in the U.K and other countries host many Open events over the year, attracting many practitioners. This also includes practitioners from outside of ITF Union.

ITF Union encourage its members to organize events helping to unite the Taekwon-Do practitioners from any ITF body.

ITF Union Executive Board organizes World events like World Championships and World Cups by having agreements with organizers willing to host such a Championship.

Certificate Charges 

  1. This information will be supplied once you have e-mailed your interest.
  2. We will not publish that you have applied for membership until you have made your final decision.
  3. Your initial enquiry is confidential until you make the decision to join our family